I nearly had a total coronary watching this game at home. I seriously thought I was going to croak in front of the TV set. And I can imagine it now: they would find my body two days later. Still clad in my Bears jersey, my arms would be fixed above my head by rigor mortis, signaling that indeed, even though I had gone to the great blogosphere in the sky, Gould's kick was still good!

"We did it! We did it! OMG! We did it!" "Um. Robbie. People are staring." Source: Chicago Tribune.
Punter v. Scoreboard, Redux: Man, did the Giants rain on the inaugural parade down in Dallas or what? Tony Romo threw three interceptions and finished with a quarterback rating of 29.6, compared to Eli Manning's 110.6! But nevermind the stats: the big item on everyone's mind was the scoreboard. My friend and I put the over-under on "number of footballs to hit the thing" at 2, I took the under, and was right. According to NBC, who loves it almost as much as Jerry Jones does, the scoreboard is 90 feet in the air, so one would have to kick really high in order to hit it, and perhaps AJ Trapasso's controversial doink was a fluke. Still. It'll be amusing to hear the whole crowd gasp whenever someone goes 3-and-out in the place.
Anyway, more to come later, perhaps college news/scores? I've been terribly delinquent in updating!
*Was he drunk? In need of a towel dispenser to vandalize? Upset because more pictures of his nether regions were on the internet?
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