Friday, September 3, 2010

Reader Challenge #2!

So my second Second and One Reader Challenge [where I ask people ridiculous football-related questions (via IM, Facebook, or good old-fashioned pen-and-paper reporting) and then post their answers in the blog] has concluded.

In light of the naked OSU lineman incident, I asked the following question:

"If you see a naked football player in your house, what do you say to him?"

Here are the results!

"Time out!" - Dave S.

"How would you know he was a football player if he was naked?" - Rico M.

"Where are your clothes, why are you carrying that football, and how the hell did you get in here?" - Hope O.

"I would turn around and walk away." - Brad S.

"I'd dial the looney bin presuming he was suffering concussion related dementia." - Judy R.

"If you can manage to be fairly quiet, there's a bit of beer on tap near the fireplace, taps are labeled. And sheets for the futon in the end table under the lamp. And for god's sake lift the seat of the toilet or better yet SIT DOWN, can't imagine why men think they have the right to splatter urine everywhere when they pee." - Linda S. 

"Somehow I thought you'd be better-endowed." - Nikki F.

"Put some clothes on...!" - Jess H.

Thanks everyone who participated! Happy Fantasy Draft Week, everyone!

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