It's been about ten days since I last updated this thing, and, considering the Big One is upon us again, that's, well, pretty awful.
The truth is, I'm not sure where this site is going. People aren't quite sure how to react to it. I've gotten every criticism to "tl;dr" to "too analytical" and every praise from "nice poetry" to "syndicate this $#%&."
The truth is, I'm not sure how much time I even have to figure out where Second and One is going, if anywhere. I have been working between 9 and 12 hours per day for the last three weeks. This isn't likely to change any time soon. I haven't read much about football for more than five minutes, and haven't read anything longer than about five sentences. I don't know who's been hired, fired; what's contested, who got arrested - I couldn't put together a coherent post if someone handed me a template, and even then it would probably end up coming out like the Patriots' eventually ill-fated playbook: flying in every direction, with no way to stop it.
So, I'm going to say for now that Second and One is going to take a vacation, and a pretty long one at that. As far as I can foresee, this is the end of regular updating. I'm fading off into the swirling vortex of the Internet. I'm tired. I'm stressed out. I don't really care who wins the Super Bowl, to be perfectly honest. Feel free to unfollow if you really want. There will probably be sporadic updates here and there as I feel like it - I'm just posting this message so I don't have to feel guilty in the early hours of the morning about not posting.
Thanks to everyone who reads.
And have a good and safe time this weekend, no matter who you're rooting for.