Thursday, August 19, 2010

Fun Times

So I went to one of the yearly end-of-summer picnics earlier tonight, and as always, someone brought a football and we got to playing catch even though it was approximately four-hundred degrees outside. As I mentioned earlier, I've got terrible hands but an okay arm, and at one point I tossed the ball to Chris, another chemist. Chris, who is from Louisiana and loves his Saints, remarked, "You are better than Brett Favre! You didn't throw the interception.

Which reminded me. Brett Favre is coming back to play for the Vikings. I think the whole yes-no-maybe-so drama is really rather ridiculous, so I'll cut-and-dry about it. In honor of Favre's supposed return, I give you all this. Vikes fans may throw things at will. Caveat emptor, as they say. 

The best part was later in the evening, when I took off running with the ball as someone chased me. I paused in front of Chris, obviously dropped the ball on the ground, and said,

"Now I'm Adrian Peterson."

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